Chilli Report.
Chilli takes 90 days to grow and 6-7 days for drying.
Chilli takes 10-15 days to turn red colour from green colour it happens naturally.
60% of chilli produced in world is produced in Guntur and remaining 40% is produced in Karnataka Gujarat Rajasthan
Type of red chilli 334, 273, Dabi, Kadi Teja and Birds-eye chilli.
Chili gives a vitamin C
Most of the chilli grows in August, in Andra Pradesh and Karnataka the name of the chilli grows in Andra Pradesh in Guntur district. There are 3 types of chili.
1. S4 it’s called 334 it gives (heat unit) pungency like 35000 to 45000 and its colour is red orange and its fruit is medium long and thin. Its colour count is 30.
2.There is other quality which grows in same area its 273 and its colour is red, it’s a long chilli ,gives a red colour, its skin is little bit thicker than 334, its (heat unit)pungency is 30000 to 40000.its colour count is 40
3. There is another quality, it grows in and Andra Pradesh Khamam districts. It’s called Teja. It a small fruit of chilli its colour is red-orange. Its (heat unit) pungency is more than 50000-55000 but is colour counted as 25 to 30. It’s mostly used for a heat unit it’s mixed in the normal chili to make a hot chili.
Chili grows in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. In June-July and its fruit comes after 90 days, in October starting.
Madhya Pradesh
Gujarat chili name is gollar chilli is skin 4 times thicker than 273 it mostly used in Gujarat village and it black-red colour and it’s used in rural areas of Gujarat. It is sweet in taste.
There is several verities of chili also grows in Karnataka, its chili is not very hot but its colour is blood red colour, its very expansive chilli, its has 2 varieties of chili Kadi and Dabi,
Kaki’s heat unit is Below 25000 it taste sweeter, its colour count is 70000, Kadi chili powder is used to blend with Guntur chili powder 334and 273 to make it red chili powder , it also used in olio reason for cosmetic use like lipstick etc.
Dabi-Heat unit is below 25000 taste sweeter is same like the Kadi chili but its colour count is more than 90000,its same use, blend with Guntur chili powder 334and 273 to make it red chili powder , it also used in olio reason for cosmetic use like lipstick make up accessories etc.
Chili is also grown in Assam it’s called bird eye chili its very small chilli like cloves its just 2-3 cm though it’s very small chili but it is the hottest chili available on earth it also called long march because its pungency is more than 70000 and its powder is mostly used in the namkeens like sing bujya, rat lame sev its price is 3 times greater than Guntur price. It comes in October and November.
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